Wellington – New Zealand

New Adventure

31 February 2019

I guess I should update you on what is going on. Kieron and I moved to Wellington, New Zealand. I must admit it is a huge step for starting over. We know no-one in Wellington. I have been here a week and I am still amazed. Bus and trains run on time and yes, they do have there ups ad downs, but at least they not torched. We staying in a hostel at the moment. It is a not the greatest place for a couple. They are immature people and can be so annoying. I can’t wait to move into our own place. First, I need a job somewhere.

My problem is that I know my passion, but it cost money to get there. I would love to get into a place, which writes brochures. Though I might have to have journalism. I will have to see. Anyway, enough of me going on and on. Let me tell you about my adventure.

I left Cape Town on 31 Jan 2019. My mom was crying and then she sent me off. I checked my luggage all the way through and got three boarding passes.

Next stop Joburg! I flew British Airways and they managed to get my gluten free meal right! I had two extra sets for myself, which was lovely. I enjoyed my flight. After 2 hrs I arrived in Joburg and met our friend Cathy for a drink. It was so nice to see her and catch! (I had a quite a bit of wine on that trip). We can’t afford much alcohol at the moment.

Anyway, Cathy pointed me in the right decoration to the International. I definitely remembered it from all the international flying I did. We waited for quite a while to board Qantas and it took forever. We were 45 mins delayed before take off because we were waiting for other planes to take off. Experienced a typic Joburg highveld thunderstorm.

I would highly recommend Qantas! It was a long flight but comfortable and I actually slept on the plane and watched lots of movies.

I really thought I would late be catching my connecting flight to Wellington, but I wasn’t. Once I landed in Sydney, I went through hectic security. Once I was done with that, I explored Sydney airport. Wow! Is all I have to say. After a few hours of exploring and sitting for a bit. We could board the plane. Also, very nice food and they remembered my gluten free meal. Food, wine and movies.

The plane landed at 11:45 pm and by the time I got through customs and passport control and baggage claim it was after midnight! It was so good to see Kieron again after 5 months of Skyping. Welcomed New Zealand 2 February 2019!  

Durban – Christmas 2017

24 December 2017

Day: 2

This morning we woke up early and after breakfast, we were dropped off at Kloof train station (Stoker’s Arms Pub). We decided to catch the steam train to Inchanga Station and then take the train back to Stoker’s Arms for lunch. At Inchanga Station there is a market and a museum.

The train right bought back, so many memories of my childhood, we used to take the steam train from George to the Wilderness and back again. Once we arrived at the station, we decided to go and explore the museum first and then check out the market later. We managed to have a look around and take lots of photos before the whistle blew. We must have arrived back around 11:30 pm. We head off to the pub for an early lunch. Once we had eaten, we took some more photos of the train, while we waited for our lift. We decided to chill for the rest of the afternoon.

Durban – Christmas 2017

23 December 2017


We had to wake up early to catch our plane to Durban. My parents were kind enough to pick us up and drop us off at the airport. My parent’s style is drop off and go, they don’t stay and watch the plane take off. I suppose unless it is international. We decided to check in the slow lounge after we went through security. Even though we were getting breakfast on the plane, we decided to have some food. First breakfast as my husband calls it.

It was fantastic to sit in the lounge and watching the planes take off. I will I could travel forever! We eventually boarded for our 2-hour flight to Durban. It is weird because I have always had family in Durban, would it be first cousins to second cousins to parents-in-law. Durban is definitely apart of me.

When we landed the heat just hits one! From cool weather in Cape Town to Durban humidity! Once we were picked up from the airport, we went shopping for a few things in Kloof. We then eventually went to my parents-in-law’s house and unpacked and we chilled for the rest of the day.

We had to get up early the next morning, well one doesn’t really have a choice because the sun gets up earlier there than in Cape Town.

The adventure will be continued……

Oudtshoorn 2017 Adventure


27 August

Sunday: Day 3

This morning we woke up quite late, even if we had to check out at 10:00 am. So even though, we woke up late, we still managed to check out at 9:45 am. I was very impressed!

We then made our way to Wimpy for breakfast. The wimpy is on the other side of town. Afterwards, we made our way to Highgate Ostrich farm for our tour. The tour brought back, so many memories. Highgate is not too touristy.

After the tour, where I nearly got my finger bitten off! We then drove to Ronnie’s Sex shop for lunch. I drove to Ronnie’s Sex shop. Then after lunch, we took a slow drive back home.

It was a short weekend, but it was awesome!!

Oudtshoorn 2017 Adventure

26 August

Saturday Day: 2

This morning we woke up late got dressed and went to breakfast. We decided to have breakfast at the hotel. Before we headed off to George we paid a visit to the suspension bridge, where my dad used to walk across during the army days. Then a

fterwards, we headed off to George and we took the Outeniqua Pass. We then we drove to the Wilderness. It was so good to be back on that side of the world. We walked on the beach and watched the paragliders jump off the mountain and land on the beach. We then drove to the map of Africa and we watched the paragliders launch off the launching pad.

The paragliders “Launch not jump”. 

We drove back in the late afternoon to Oudtshoorn and chilled the rest of the afternoon and evening at the hotel. I loved the rondavels! Then we got ready to go to Spur for dinner, which has kind of become a tradition in this town. I like traditions. After dinner, we then went back to our rondavel for tea and to watch series.


Cederberg 2017


Day: 5

Our last day in the Cederberg. To be honest with you I hate my last day here. I hate the feeling of leaving a place that I love the most.

Time and Kelle packed up and left early.

We woke up late and slowly made breakfast and then packed up.We took some last photos and took a slow drive out of the Cederberg. We met my parents and the rest of my family for lunch, before driving back to Cape Town. Every time I enter the Cederberg, it feels like I am coming home! It is just such another amazing feeling! Well, until next time

We will be back next year for Easter! We definitely can never stay away.


Cederberg 2017

Mount Ceder Resort


Day: 4

This morning we went to Mount Ceder Resort to get some contact with the outside world. The resort is the only place in the Cederberg, which has cell phone reception. We then drove to the “Stadsaal Caves and Bushman Paintings” rocks for a picnic lunch and we walked around for a bit. It is the most awesome place. I find it hard sometimes to describe the Cederberg! It has its own beauty.

After our picnic, we slowly drove back to Sanddrift in the late afternoon. Once we arrived back at the cottage, we opened up a few beers and watched the sunset, while the guys were getting the fire ready.

Cederberg Easter 2017


Day: 3

Wine tasting! Yes at 9:00 am.

The original time was 8:00 am and last year it was 8:30 am. Which usually shocks people, but it is normal for my family. So we got up early and drove to the farmhouse. The farmhouse is quite far from the cottages, so it would take a while to walk. Then we found out that the wine tasting only opens at 9:00 am. So we had to go back to the cottage grab something to eat and then headed back to the wine tasting. Let’s just say David got all excited when he saw us. Just to say one can get slightly tipsy if one is not careful.

Wine tasting!

The Wolfberg Cracks

The rest of the day we just relaxed. Ron and I went for a walk in the late afternoon. It was magical! Though beforehand we went to dress warmly. When then headed to my parent’s cottage for a braai. My family is totally insane! Later that evening, a few of us headed up to the Observatory to look at the stars. The Observatory is very interesting, but freezing at night! Once we got back to the cottages, we decided to just go to bed early.

Cederberg Easter 2017


Day: 2

This morning we woke up late, which was really nice to sleep in for a bit. We got up, dressed and had some breakfast. We then went to find my aunt and talk about the hike we were going to do. Though we spent most of the time talking to my cousin and admiring her baby Emily. She is so cute and chubby! A very happy baby. We decided to leave at 10:30 am. It was a quite late start, but it wasn’t that hot.

So we made some sandwiches, filled the water bottles up and packed the backpacks. Then we headed out to the Maltese Cross parking.  Wow! I finally hiked to the cross with my man. It is so incredible to hike and see the cross over the arisen. It was so amazing and I have done this hike a million times. The red rocks and the blue sky. The bushes, rocks, cedar trees and blue sky with the red rusty dusty sand.

After around two hours, we arrived at the cross. We met my Uncle Derek and my cousin Cameron. We had lunch and took some photos. Then we started to make our way back down. Even though both my knees were so bloody sore! Though I managed to hobble back down. We got back down at around 3:00 pm. Tim and Kelle were there when we arrived back at the cottages. While they unpacked and settled in, Kieron and I showered. Afterwards, we had a drink and chilled before we started our braai. Kieron made his awesome hamburgers. We had a chilled braai and watched the sunset on the Wolfberg Cracks. I adore this place! It is definitely my second home.

Cederberg Easter 2017

Day 1: 18/04/2017


The beginning of another adventure in the Cederberg. It felt so amazing coming “home” for the weekend. Ron took the day off and I managed to get off work at 4:00 pm. We planned to drive up with Tim and Kelle, but they decided to leave on Friday morning instead. So we drove up by ourselves. We stopped at our usually pitstop at Piketberg spur for dinner and we arrived in the Cederberg at around 10:00 pm. I found it really weird driving the passes at night. I usually drive the passes during the day.

We unpacked and then, we went to speak to my parents about the hike, we were meant to be hiking the next day. Since Tim and Kelle wouldn’t be joining us, we needed another hiking partner. Then we found out the Aunty Shan wanted to come along too. My uncle and Cameron wanted to meet us at the Maltese Cross on their way back from doing the Sneeuberg Hut Route. One way to meet the family members on top of a mountain, but that is the Pauls for you!

After speaking to the parents we continued unpacking and then we settled down for bed. It was really nice to spend the night alone, just the two of us.