Day 2
I landed at London, Heathrow just before 7:00 am, so of course we had breakfast at 5:30 am! Seriously airlines need to get their times sorted out when it comes to feeding their passengers. So we waited at Heathrow the whole morning and because of the time change it felt longer this is because England is an hour behind South Africa. Seriously Lara and I walked around nearly the whole airport to try and find free WiFi (also because we were very bored), which we eventually did. At last I managed to communicate with the outside world.
Then on top of everything our boarding to Athens was delayed, but at least we arrived to Athens on time. In the mean time my sister and I talked to my dad’s friends for a bit and then we walked around the airport a bit more. Then at last we were on our way to Athens, which I hope I can survive 7 days here.
Count down, here we go!!