Europe 2014


Day 8

This morning we woke up and after breakfast we walked into town to the Tourism Information. The weather was cold, cloudy and some rain.

We also watched runners run the finish line of a race. This race began at 11:00 pm the previous night on one of the mountains. Part of the route is running around a couple of mountains in the dark and end finish is in the town. This is a 24 hour race. The first couple of runners looked alright but the rest looked like they were in pain and glad to be finished with it.

After a while I got a bit board and wanted to explore the town. We went to a shopping mall which had everything in from food to hiking gear and kitchen things like coffee machines. Once we explored that and bought a few things we went to a coffee shop for lunch. Then in the afternoon the four of us went for a drive on another twisty road up to the Dolomites. We hoping to go up the ski lift on tomorrow (Monday).

A hotel in the town.

A hotel in the town (Traditional building).



Boxed flowers

Boxed flowers



I took some great photos though.

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